Investing for Peace

Campaign news

Find out the latest news and successes in our Investing for Peace campaign

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Investing for Peace Campaign postcard

Please find our campaign postcard here. You can download and print this, or order copies directly from us.


Investing for Peace (Free Download)

click below to download Investing for Peace for free


Partners in the campaign

We are delighted to have several organisations partnering with us in this campaign.




What are we asking Churches to do?

This campaign asks the churches to do these four things


What do our denominational campaign groups do?

Click below to see what your Church’s view on morally responsible investment in Israel/Palestine is, and see what our Church activists are doing to challenge this.


Join a denominational campaign group

Our thriving denominational campaign groups are a welcoming and friendly space to share ideas, help one another raise awareness, strategise on how to impact our Churches, and generally support each other in our campaigning efforts! To join one, please fill in the form below.

    Thank you so much for filling in the form. Just hit SUBMIT, and you'll hear from us soon!

    Churches in America and MRI

    Churches in America have blazed a trail on Morally Responsible Investment and offer us, here in the UK, hope and inspiration that our churches could do the same.



    Please click here to see the FAQ.  If you wish to submit further questions please contact us.


    Related sections and articles:

    Gaza: A Call to Action

    Actions, statements, campaigns and news concerning the ongoing war on Gaza.

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    Campaign: Right to Boycott

    Campaign:  Right to Boycott

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    Campaign: A Cry for Hope

    We cannot serve God while remaining silent about
    the oppression of the Palestinians.

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    Young Advocates Forum

    Welcome to our Young Advocates Forum! Please visit here if you are under 35 and interested in Israel/Palestine. Sign up to our network below to stay involved!

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    Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions

    Find out more about the international BDS movement and how to boycott, divest and sanction against anything associated with Israel’s occupation.

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    Host an online cook-along for your local group and raise much needed funds that can make a real difference to the lives of Palestinians.

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    Becoming a Sabeel-Kairos Community

    What are Sabeel-Kairos Communities? How can we become one?

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    Theology Group

    The Sabeel-Kairos Theology groups meets regularly to research, discuss and take action regarding theological issues in Israel/Palestine. Find out more here.

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    Sabeel Wave of Prayer

    Get the weekly Sabeel Wave of Prayer here every Thursday

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    Global campaigns

    More ways to campaign here from partners and coalitions across the world

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    Sabeel-Kairos is the operating name of Friends of Sabeel UK (FOSUK) Ltd, Charity number 1116817, Company Number 5595112

    website design by AndrayV