Gaza: A Call to Action

Joint NGO statement on ICJ orders

On 24 May 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered additional provisional measures regarding Israel’s alleged violations in Gaza of obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Together with other UK NGOs we issue this statement in response. (more…)

Nakba Day – A Call for Global Action and Solidarity

Our partner Kairos Palestine, together with the Global Kairos for Justice network, issues this statement and Global Call to Action on the 76th Anniversary of the ongoing Nakba. (more…)

Rafah Statement – UK must stop the slaughter

Joint statement released 7 May 2024.


The UK Government has repeatedly asked Israel not to unleash a slaughter in Rafah, Gaza.


Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron is “very concerned about what is happening in Rafah” and knows “it is impossible to fight a war amongst all these people. There is nowhere for them to go.”

Deputy Foreign Secretary, Andrew Mitchell thinks that “an Israeli incursion will struggle to be compliant with international law,”

Middle East Minister, Lord Ahmad said that “the fighting must stop now, in order to get the hostages home.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister acknowledges that “Too many innocent civilians have died in Gaza,”

David Cameron also asked Israel for a ‘Plan B’ for Rafah to ensure “people can achieve safety, get food, medicine and water, and that people are kept safe.” 


They have been ignored by Israel  


Yesterday, the Israeli military issued relocation orders to people sheltering in parts of Rafah, the first step towards a full-scale invasion that will most likely kill thousands of civilians. The area people are being directed to is already overstretched and lacks the capacity and resources to accommodate the number of people seeking refuge. The relocation orders lack guarantees of safety and the right to return, which risk violating humanitarian law. 


In the last 12 hours, Israel has intensely bombed Rafah, including civilian homes and areas marked as safe. This morning, Israeli tanks entered the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, blocking completely the passage for people and humanitarian aid. 

There are no safe spaces in Gaza. Israel has repeatedly attacked so-called ‘safe zones’, killing displaced people. Any claims from Israel that civilians can be safely relocated have lost credibility.  


The failure of our leaders to back words with meaningful action is glaring. As the 1.4 million people in Rafah face attacks that our leaders know would be catastrophic, they must finally act to stop the slaughter.


The UK must work urgently to stop any further assault on Rafah from going ahead, demand an immediate lasting ceasefire, resume funding to UNRWA, and suspend arms sales to Israel for as long as there is a risk they may be used to violate international humanitarian law.  

A ceasefire is the only way to stop the death and destruction, get more aid to those who desperately need it, and safely release the hostages.


There is no Plan B for the people in Rafah. 


  1. Action For Humanity  
  2. ActionAid UK  
  3. Amos Trust   
  4. Bond  
  5. CAFOD  
  6. Care International UK  
  7. Christian Aid  
  8. Council for Arab-British Understanding  
  9. Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
  10. Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)  
  11. Humanity & Inclusion
  12. Humanity First UK  
  13. International Rescue Committee UK
  14. Interpal  
  15. Islamic Relief UK  
  16. Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights  
  17. Link Education International.
  18. Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
  19. Mercy Corps Europe  
  20. Omega Research Foundation
  21. Oxfam GB  
  22. Peace Direct  
  23. Plan International UK  
  24. Quakers in Britain  
  25. Sabeel-Kairos UK  
  26. Save the Children UK  
  27. SCIAF
  28. SOS Children’s Villages UK  
  29. Trócaire  
  30. War on Want 
  31. Welfare Association

Download the statement here: Rafah Statement May 7

Global Christian Leaders call for permanent Gaza Ceasefire

We are pleased to join over 140 Global Churches and Christian Organisations to issue this urgent letter during Holy Week, calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a halt of Arms sales to Israel. (more…)

The UK Government must do more to prevent more death, destruction and degradation in Gaza

21.03.24. Today we joined 28 other agencies to call on the UK Govt again to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, resume funding to UNRWA and insist on unfettered humanitarian access, and to suspend UK arms sales to Israel. (more…)

Revd Munther Isaac calls us to action – support a ceasefire now

On Monday, after addressing parliamentarians, Revd. Dr Munther Isaac issued this call to action in a candlelight vigil outside the Houses of Parliament. (more…)

Famine is imminent: 1.1 million Palestinians experiencing catastrophic food insecurity

18.03.24. Today the IPC released a report on famine levels in #Gaza. Over 70% of those living in northern Gaza and Gaza governorates were classed as being in phase 5 – catastrophe. The rest of the population, in southern Gaza, were classed as phase 4 – emergency.


UK groups say UK government’s public position on weapons licences to Israel is at odds with what the government has admitted in litigation, and calls for an explanation.

Sabeel-Kairos joins 7 other NGOs including War on Want, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to question the Government’s response to our letter on the sales and transfer of weapons licences to Israel. (more…)

Revd Munther Isaac calls out Archbishop of Canterbury and Church of England – ‘They lack courage’

In an interview with The Guardian Newspaper, Revd Munther Isaac revealed that plans to meet with Archbishop Welby had been cancelled because he spoke at a pro-Palestinian rally and shared a platform with Jeremy Corbyn. (more…)

62 NGOs sign letter calling on MPs to support ceasefire motion

On Wednesday 21st February MPs will face a crucial vote on supporting an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza. We’ve joined 61 other NGOs calling for MPs to support this motion and halt the catastrophic loss of life and destruction of Gaza. (more…)

A Call for Urgent Intervention by Kairos Palestine

Stop the genocide in Rafah and the forcible displacement of the Palestinians! Call to action issued Feb 13th 2024.


Statements, Petitions, Campaigns and more

Here you will find the joint statements we have signed, our own calls for a ceasefire, campaigns you can join, petitions you can sign and more.


‘Christ under the rubble’

Listen to Munther Isaac’s powerful sermon in the Liturgy of Lament service. (more…)

Sabeel-Kairos joins War on Want and other NGOs to call for a halt in UK arms sales to Israel

Join us and email your MP today to demand that the UK stops its complicity in Israel’s war crimes. (more…)

Letters in the Church Times

Well done to our Church of England campaign group who had two letters published in the Church Times on Friday 17th November, and Friday 22nd December. (more…)

Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert

In this 2023 Christmas Alert, Kairos Palestine points to the dire, tragic situation of the Palestinians in Gaza. It provides theological reflections and prayers to encourage deeper solidarity and more meaningful actions.


You can read and download the alert here: Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2023

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